
The Ultimate Discovery Meeting

I want this!

The Ultimate Discovery Meeting

Seamlessly Convert Prospects Into Life-Long Clients In One Meeting

A proven framework for discovery meetings that:

  • Leaves them walking out saying: "That's the best conversation I've ever had around money."
  • Moves the "trust dial" to a point that they trust you more than any other advisor
  • Aligns their money with what's truly important in their life
  • Creates an emotional connection that leads to referrals and consolidating assets

Imagine pulling up your calendar for tomorrow morning. 

You have a prospect meeting scheduled for 9:00 AM.

But this isn't just another prospect meeting...

This is THE ideal client for your business.

The type of client who immediately goes to the top of your "A-List."

The type of client you would clone 50 times if you could.

Now, with that meeting in mind, answer these 4 questions on a scale from 1-10.

How confident are you that…

  • Your meeting will result in the prospect walking out of your office, sitting in their car and saying to their spouse, “That’s the single best conversation I’ve ever had around money.”?
  • Your meeting will move the “trust dial” to a point that they trust you more than any advisor they’ve ever met with?
  • Your meeting will help clarify their most deeply-held values and closely-held goals?
  • Your meeting will create an emotional connection beyond the numbers that turns a prospect into a life-long client?

If you answered less than “10” on all four questions, you’re not alone.

And, it’s not your fault.

In fact, if you’re like most, you’ve probably looked up “the best questions to ask prospects in a first meeting.”

You’ve picked up some ideas listening to podcasts with other advisors explaining how they conduct their meetings.

You’ve implemented the tips you gathered from talking with fellow advisors.

But, it still feels like there’s something missing. 

It hasn’t quite clicked.

That's where The Ultimate Discovery Meeting comes in.


  • "Winging it” with a collection of ideas you’ve gathered over time.
  • Trying out questions or assessments you think might work.
  • Wondering if there’s a better way.

It’s the tested and proven meeting framework I’ve shown advisors around the world that results in clients saying:

👉🏽 "That's the best conversation we've ever had with someone about money."

👉🏽"No one has ever talked with us about this before."

👉🏽"I'm choosing you because I felt like you were the only one who truly gets me and understands what's most important in my life."

If those are the types of responses you want to hear from clients consistently but haven’t been able to crack the code quite yet…

The Ultimate Discovery Meeting was built just for you.

What's Inside:

  • 20+ video lessons covering four topics:
    • Mindset: Winning The Mental Battle
    • Pre-Meeting: Prepping Yourself and Your Clients For Success
    • In-Meeting: Building Trust & Uncovering What's Most Important
    • Post-Meeting: Setting Expectations, Following Up, and Next Steps
  • Access to the 5 most popular resources:
    • The Discovery Meeting Recap Email Template (Everybody's Favorite!)
    • The Emotional Data Template
    • How To Craft and Use A Statement of Financial Purpose
    • A "Values Cards" Sample Worksheet
    • "Best Questions To Ask In A First Meeting"

Here's a look at one of my favorite lessons, "The Golden Circle of Financial Advice":

Who It's For:

If you're still reading at this point, I don't even hesitate in saying that you are exactly who this is for!

However, if you're still on the fence it's for any advisor or planner that:

  • Wants to improve their confidence and success in converting prospects into clients
  • Is tired of simply taking clients through the typical "goals" conversation
  • Wants to revamp their discovery meeting to uncover what's truly important in people's lives
  • Is losing their passion for these meetings and wants to add some "zest"

And is ready to change NOW!

What Advisors Are Saying:

Check out the rest of the testimonials here.


Who are you and why should I listen to you?

I'm Brendan Frazier. I've been in the financial advice industry since 2011 working with clients and advisors.

In 2018, I launched Wired Planning and The Human Side of Money Podcast, which has provided the opportunity to speak to and coach advisors around the world on mastering the human side of advice to enhance their clients' lives and forever change the trajectory of their business.

What will I learn in this course?

The proven and tested framework that I've taught advisors around the world to enhance the quality and outcomes of their discovery meetings by helping clients align their money with what's most important in their lives.

Not only does it result in prospects becoming life-long clients, but it leads to clients who pay more, refer more, follow through on their tasks, and consolidate assets.

How is this different than The Ultimate Intro Meeting course?

Yes! Much different. If you think about the ideal meeting flow, it goes:

Intro Meeting --> Discovery Meeting.

Two completely different meetings with two completely different purposes.

The ultimate intro meeting lays the foundation for the ultimate discovery meeting. You can't have one without the other.

In fact, if you haven't done The Ultimate Intro Meeting course yet, I HIGHLY recommend starting there.

Best of all, if you grab The Ultimate Intro Meeting course, you can add The Ultimate Discovery Meeting for $100 off!

Wait a minute...why is it only $199?

Great question. It's a long explanation, but here's a short summary:

It's not the primary source of revenue. "The Human Side of Advice Masterclass" is our flagship product and the one that I would recommend all advisors do. But, every time I open up the HSOA Masterclass for new applications, there are always a number of people who reach out to say they wish they could do it, but they can't afford it.

So, I wanted to create something that was:

1) Affordable for anybody

2) Insanely valuable for anybody

How long will it take to see results?

If you set aside the time and invest your focus and energy on learning and applying the principles and framework, you'll start to see results in your next meeting.

Like anything, though, the more practice you get, the better you'll be. So, the biggest results will likely be in 3-6 months.

What if I decide this wasn't right for me?

We happily stand behind and offer a 60-day money-back guarantee. Everything in this course has been extensively researched and tested.

However - and this is important - only join if you intend to apply what you're learning. This isn't intended to simply consume information. It's intended to take action.

How much time do I need to commit?

To watch the video lessons and read the resources, you'll only need 3-4 hours.

To brainstorm how to apply the information and practice it might take a little more than that.

I want this!

A package of video lessons, templates and resources to take your prospect meetings to the next level.

Video Lessons
20+ Videos
Meeting Recap Email Template
Emotional Data Template
Statement of Financial Purpose
Values Cards Sample Worksheet
Best Questions To Ask
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30-day money back guarantee